Report List

The following table provides an alphabetical listing of reports in CRS and the corresponding tab on which they are found. It also shows when report data is available, the reliability of the data, and a description of the report.

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*Legend: EOM = Monthly or End-of-Month; EOY = End of Year; MOM = Mid-Month; MTD = Month to Date

Report Name CRS Tab Data Availability* Data Reliability Report Description
1st Payment Default Audit MOM/EOM Real Time - can change Lists members who are delinquent for their first payment. It provides a billing snapshot of members who are in default at mid-month or end of month. The salesman for the delinquent member's account is also listed.
Account Analysis Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Summarizes the number of accounts and monthly dues for Term versus Open-End accounts, broken out in time periods.
Account Changes Account Detail EOM Static Snapshot Compares EOM for two months. Displays changes to members accounts (for example, membership type, name, number, address, payments, etc.).
Account Detail Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides detailed information about current and delinquent accounts.
Account Reconciliation Billing EOM Static Snapshot Classifies the differences between the number of accounts in the month. It is only a comparison of the number of accounts at the beginning of the month versus the number of accounts at the end of the month.
Accounting Journal Entries Accounting Daily, EOM Static Snapshot The report is compiled based on your saved GL codes and report preferences, which can be set using the parameters page. If report preferences and GL codes are not set up then the report will use default settings. The report includes a list of summary reports you can cross reference: Final Invoices Available vs. Actual, Monthly Billing Statement, Club Account Sales & Collections Summary, POS Revenue & Collections Summary, and Services Revenue Summary.
Accounts % by Account Type Pie Graphs EOM Static Snapshot Displays a pie chart with the proportion of your accounts in the following types: Cash, Open End, and Term.
Accounts % by Paymode Pie Graphs EOM Static Snapshot Displays a pie chart with the proportion of your accounts using the following pay modes: EFT, Credit Cards, Statement, and Problem/Reversal.
Accounts and Amounts to Collections Graphs EOM Static Snapshot Shows a month-by-month comparison of the number of accounts and the amount sent for collections.
Accounts to Collections by Type Graphs EOM Static Snapshot Displays a pie chart comparing the percentage of accounts sent to collections for each account type.
Active Agreements not Synced Audit Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Displays all active member agreements that are not yet synchronized with ABC's billing system.
Active and Inactive Members Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Provides a list of all active and/or inactive members. Details on this report include barcode, all contact information, member type, dues amounts, and more.
Active and Pending Freeze Analysis Audit Daily, EOM Static Snapshot This report shows:
  • Members who are projected to go on freeze over the next 90 days.
  • Members who are currently on freeze.
  • The net effect of members going on freeze and members coming off freeze.
Active Pending Cancel Members Audit Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Provides a list of active primary and secondary members in pending cancel status.
Agreement Entry Exit Totals Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Reflects whether your club's monthly transactions caused business to grow or recede.
Alternate Billing Collections Billing Daily Historical Static Snapshot Displays collections using Alternate billing methods.
Annual Fee Audit Audit Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Provides a view of annual fees due, and also helps you analyze which member accounts need to be corrected to accurately assess annual fees.
Attrition Billing EOM Static Snapshot Provides the monthly attrition percentages for the selected time frame.
Auto Renew Summary Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a list of all members set to renew automatically for the selected time frame.
Bad Address Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Provides a list of members whose mailing information has been determined to be insufficient or incorrect by the US Postal Service. New mailing information is needed from the member and the account is labeled with BAD ADDRESS until corrected.
Billing Summary Billing EOM Static Snapshot Allows you to view end-of-month billing information for one or multiple clubs for the selected time frame. The report displays: amounts collected and deposited, accounts added and exited, gross receivables, and the average primary invoice amount.
Birthday Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Provides a list of members who have birthdays in the month selected. It is broken down by day and includes any contact information on file.
Canadian Tax Statement Billing EOM Static Snapshot Displays Canadian taxes.
Cancelled Accounts Account Detail Daily Historical Static Snapshot Provides a list of all members cancelled within the selected time period including details about the account, the reason for cancellation, and monthly payment amounts.
Changed Summary Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a summary of changed accounts and indicates whether the change was positive or negative.
Chargeback Summary Billing Daily Historical Static Snapshot Tracks chargebacks and chargeback reposts across one or multiple clubs.
Club Account Accounts Receivable Summary Accounting Daily Historical Static Snapshot Displays all outstanding accounts receivable for Club Account, including active and inactive member accounts. The report shows Accounts Receivable summarized at the profit center and agreement levels. The report can be aggregated by month and by club.
Club Account/Recurring Services Summary Club Account/DT POS Daily Historical Static Snapshot Includes reports with detailed information regarding payments, reversals, chargebacks, corrections, or refunds specifically relating to ABC DataTrak Club Accounts.
Club Account Sales & Collections Summary Accounting Daily Historical Static Snapshot Allows you to view club account payments and sales, and their impact on accounts receivable. Multiple clubs can be included so you can view aggregate data with the option of viewing individual club data in the same report. This report can be generated in two report types: Summary or Journal Entries.
Club Deposits & Settlements Summary Accounting Daily Historical Static Snapshot Displays all deposits and settlements for the selected time frame. [4/20/17]
Club Receipts Summary Accounting Daily Historical Static Snapshot Allows you to reconcile daily receipts that are collected and deposited by ABC, third parties, merchant services, and the club. You can reconcile cash drawers within the club, as well as deposits made on behalf of the club.
Collections by Age Billing Daily Historical Static Snapshot Displays all member billing invoice collections within the selected time frame along with the total number of days taken to satisfy each invoice.
Collections Variance Analysis Billing EOM Static Snapshot Allows you to view differences in member collections over a two-month period and to understand the sources of any month-to-month changes. The report provides monthly collections totals across profit centers for a general overview. You can also view monthly collections totals for each profit center.
Combined Accrual Journal Entries Accounting EOM Static Snapshot Includes all of the following in one view: Final Invoices Available vs. Actual Journal Entries, Monthly Billing Statement Journal Entries, Club Account Journal Entries, POS Journal Entries, and Services Revenue Journal Entries.
Credit Card Analysis Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a list of members along with their credit card information including the card type, last few digits of their credit card number, and expiration date.
Daily Account Adjustments Daily Daily Historical Real Time - can change Provides regular dues and adjusted dues totals for account cancellations and freezes. You can drill down to view Cancelled Accounts, Pending Cancellations, Freeze Billing, and Freeze Time.
Daily Delinquency Daily Daily Historical Real Time - can change Provides a list of past due members. This list can be sorted by Age, Name, Account Number, or the Next Due, which reflects the oldest past due payment.
Daily Invoices Available to Collect Daily Daily Historical Real Time - can change Provides a list of invoices that are available for collection for the current day to the End of Month. The # Invoices, Amount, and Accounts columns are provided by Term, Open, and All. The Total column contains a break down of current and past due invoices.
Daily MTD Billing Statement Daily Daily Historical Static Snapshot Provides summary information in the following categories: Collection Summary, Club Amount Calculation, Deductions, Reimbursements, Disbursements, and Profit Center Breakdown.
Daily New Accounts Daily Daily Historical Real Time - can change Provides a list of all accounts entered Month to Date. This can be sorted by receive date, begin date, first down, and more. Also included are the payment amount and down payment amount.
Daily Problem Reversals Daily Daily Historical Real Time - can change Provides a list of all delinquent accounts Month to Date. This can be sorted by Account #, Name, Reason for decline, and more.
Daily Production Report Daily Daily Historical Real Time - can change Combines production information from several other reports into a single report
Daily Revenue & Deposit Reconciliation Accounting Daily Historical Static Snapshot Is available in two formats: Summary Report and Journal Entries.
  • Choose the Summary Report format to view an extensive report showcasing information on revenue, deductions, interclub payments, pre-pay liabilities and redemptions, and deposits, with member-account-level detail available through several drill-down reports.
  • Choose the Journal Entries report type to view vital information translated into journal entries that can be used to assist in reconciliations.
Daily RFC Payments Daily Daily Historical Static Snapshot Provides the payment amount on RFC accounts for the selected time frame.
DataTrak Check-Ins Account Detail Daily Historical Static Snapshot Contains two sections: Member Check-Ins and Remote Check-Ins.
  • The Member Check-Ins section lists each member by member number and displays the date and time of the check-in.
  • The Remote Check-Ins section shows a count of remote check-ins organized by date.
DataTrak MTD Membership Sales Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Tracks DataTrak membership sales in real time to monitor membership sales for the month across one or multiple clubs and to review membership sales for completed months.
Deductions and Reimbursements Accounting Daily or EOM Static Snapshot Provides a detailed list of deductions, reimbursements, or both.
Delinquent Accounts Activity Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a detailed list of all members who are at least one day past due.
DRDR Collections Variance Analysis Accounting MTD Static Snapshot Provides an analysis of data found in the Daily Revenue and Deposit Reconciliation report, located under the Accounting tab, by comparing DRDR collections variance across any two dates, daily or month to date. Daily reports will compare the two dates selected to each other.
DT Drawer Summary Report Club Account/DT POS Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Summarizes point of sale (POS) activity for the most recently opened and closed drawer for a DataTrak station as of the time you run the report. The report shows POS by payment method and by profit center.
DT Stations Activity Summary Club Account/DT POS Daily Historical Static Snapshot Totals point of sale (POS) transactions that took place during the time period you specify for the stations you select.
Duplicate Bank Account and Credit Card Analysis Audit Real Time can change Real Time - can change Provides a list of accounts that share the same bank account or credit card information.
Early Deposit Summary Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides the date, method of deposit, amount, and description for all deposits within the specified time frame.
E-mail Addresses Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Provides a list of email addresses for active and inactive members. You can sort on the following columns: Club #, Member #, Last Name, and First Name.
Entry Exit Impact Graphs EOM Static Snapshot Shows a month-by-month comparison of all accounts with positive and negative impact on a column chart.
Expired Accounts Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Provides a list of all members expired within the selected time period including contact information such as email address and phone numbers.
Final Invoices Avail. vs Actual Billing EOM Static Snapshot Compares the total value of the invoices due in a specific time frame versus the amount actually collected for that time frame. One of three Invoices Available to Collect reports.
Indefinite Freeze Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a list of accounts that have been frozen indefinitely.
Initial Invoice by Account Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a breakdown of the projected amounts available to collect, grouped by profit center and categorized by the invoice age. One of three Invoices Available to Collect reports.
Initial Invoice by Paymode Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a breakdown of the projected amounts available to collect, grouped by profit center and categorized by the invoice age. One of three Invoices Available to Collect reports.
Integrated Sales Tax by Club Billing EOM, Quarterly, Yearly Static Snapshot Combines DataTrak POS sales tax information and ABC Billing sales tax information in the same report. Provides the combined sales tax subtotal for all selected clubs. One of two Integrated Sales Tax reports.
Integrated Sales Tax by Source Billing EOM Static Snapshot Combines DataTrak POS sales tax information and ABC Billing sales tax information in the same report. It breaks out the information by profit center and by tax type. One of two Integrated Sales Tax reports.
Interclub Activity Report Accounting MTD, EOM Static Snapshot Use this to view what is owed to the selected club as well as what the selected club owes to other clubs. The report provides month-to-date collections totals across profit centers for a general overview. You can also view collections totals for each profit center.
Inventory Analysis Audit Daily Historical Static Snapshot Provides information on inventory quantity stocked, sold, and remaining during the time period selected.
Invoice Detail Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Indicates the projected amounts due based on the selected dates. It also provides the agreement Type, Pay Mode, Frequency, Payment amount, and Profit Center.
Invoices Variance Analysis Billing EOM Static Snapshot Provides a comparison of initial invoices available to collect from one month to the next.
Member Analysis Account Detail Daily Historical Real Time - can change Assists club personnel in evaluating their member base, and identifying members who fall into certain categories and groups, or follow specific trends within their club.
Members by Type Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Provides the total number of accounts for each membership type.
Misc. Deductions and Reimbursements Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides an overview of Administrative fees, Deductions, and/or Reimbursements.
Monthly Billing Statement Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides summary information in the following categories: Collection Summary, Club Amount Calculation, Deductions, Reimbursements, Disbursements, and Profit Center Breakdown.
Monthly Billing Statement Journal Entries Accounting EOM Static Snapshot Translates vital information found in the Monthly Billing Statement into journal entries that can be used to assist in reconciliations.
MTD - Club Account Activity Summary Club Account/DT POS Daily Historical Static Snapshot Provides a month-to-date summation of the other Club Account reports which are created daily (Payments, Reversals, Corrections, Chargebacks, and Refunds), including all club account transactions.
MTD - Club Account Deposit Summary Club Account/DT POS Daily Historical Static Snapshot Provides a month-to-date summation of the other Club Account reports which are created daily (Payments, Reversals, Corrections, Chargebacks, and Refunds), including only transactions reflected in checks/deposits to the club.
MTD New Member Comparison Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Allows you to view and compare new member sign-up totals by day, month, or as they stand year-to-date. You can also compare member sign-up totals across clubs.
Net Accounts Impact Change Graphs EOY Static Snapshot Displays a line graph comparing the number of accounts at your selected clubs from one year to the next.
New Accounts Account Detail Daily Historical Static Snapshot Provides an overview of the members you brought on during the selected time period. It includes New accounts, Renewals, and Rewritten accounts.
New Member Club Usage Account Detail Daily Historical Static Snapshot Provides a basic overview of new member club usage over the first 90 days of membership by displaying check-in frequency statistics.
Pay Mode Totals Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides details about the Receivables Summary Total Pay Accounts value. It provides a total of every monthly invoice due and not due in the current month for active members.
Payment Activity Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Provides a list of all transactions for the selected time period including reversals. This report can be sorted by Member #, Name, and Payment Date.
Payments by Type Pie Graphs EOM Static Snapshot A pie chart that displays payments according to payment type.
PIF Cash Liability Account Detail Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Shows the money a business would have to return for unused services a member or customer paid in full (PIF), in advance.
PIF Summary Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a list of accounts that were paid in full for the selected time frame.
POS Revenue & Collections Summary Accounting Daily Historical Static Snapshot Translates vital information found in the Monthly Billing Statement into journal entries that can be used to assist in reconciliations.
Problem Reversal Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a list of accounts that could not be drafted, a description of the problem, and a reason for the reversal.
Rebound Reporting Rebound Reporting Daily or EOM Static Snapshot Provides two dashboards with accessible, relevant, and easy-to-understand data to help minimize long-term impacts from COVID-19.
Recurring Services Collections Variance Analysis Club Account/DT POS EOM Static Snapshot Compares differences in recurring services collections between any two months.
Recurring Services Comparison Club Account/DT POS EOM Static Snapshot Compares collections for recurring services over a two-month period.
Recurring Services Dashboard Club Account/DT POS EOM Static Snapshot Displays current recurring services agreement data and statuses, and historical views of those agreements for the current year or a rolling 13-month time frame.
Recurring Services Invoice & Collection Analysis Club Account/DT POS Daily, MTD, EOM Real Time - can change The Recurring Services Invoice and Collection Analysis displays recurring services initial invoice totals and daily and month-to-date collections. End-of-month data is displayed for completed months, and data as of the last completed business day is available for the current month.
Recurring Services Invoice Variance Analysis Club Account/DT POS MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Compares differences in Invoices Available to Collect between two months and to understand the sources of any changes.
Renew Projection Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Pulls information for members that expire four months in advance. For example, if you select the month of July in the Selection Criteria dialog box, the report will provide a list of accounts that will expire during the month of November.
Renewal Audit Audit Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Allows you to view the renewal status of all active members in real time, retrieve member contact information, and ensure billing continuity.
Renewal Evaluation Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a summary of accounts that were renewed, auto-renewed, and non-renewed for the selected time frame.
Reversal Summary Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides a list of accounts that were reversed during the selected time frame.
RFC Payments Collected RFC MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Reflects any payments that have been taken on an account in collection.
RFC Preview RFC End of Cycle Static Snapshot Shows you the accounts that have been selected for RFC but have not yet been sent to the collection agency. This report provides the total amount past due as well as the remaining contract balance.
RFC to Agency RFC End of Cycle Static Snapshot Shows you those accounts that have been forwarded to an outside agency.
Sales Tax Report Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides the tax amount collected by profit center.
Salesperson Analysis Account Detail MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Provides detailed account information along with the salesperson associated with the account. It also contains a break down of amounts that are currently due.
Services Revenue Summary Accounting Daily Historical Static Snapshot Helps to complete accounting ledgers for clubs using accrual-based accounting and recording transactions through DataTrak. The report can also provide a revenue summary, displaying deferred revenue, recognized revenue, and changes in deferred revenue by profit center and transaction type.
Skip Months Audit Real Time - can change Real Time - can change Displays abnormal gaps between scheduled invoices.
Total Collected by Membership Type Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Allows you to view monthly collections organized by membership type and profit center.
Total Collected History Graph Graphs EOM Static Snapshot Displays a line graph representing a single club's total collected amount over time.
Total Collected Monthly Comparison Billing EOM Static Snapshot Provides a comparison of the amount collected across months and/or clubs.
Total Pages Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Combines information from the following reports into a single PDF or Excel file:
  • Amount Collected
  • Entry/Exit Totals
  • Account Analysis
Total Pages All Billing MOM/EOM Static Snapshot Combines information from several reports—Amount Collected, Entry/Exit Totals, Account Analysis, Pay Mode Totals—into a single PDF or Excel file.
Transfer Candidate Audit EOM Static Snapshot Provides information about member check-ins by club. Key information includes the number of times a member checks in to each available club as well as the overall percentage of check-ins per club.