Delinquent Accounts Activity

Report Overview

The Delinquent Accounts Activity report provides a detailed list of all accounts that are at least one day past due. This report does not reflect status changes; instead, it displays the account's status at the close of the billing cycle for which the report was run. For example, if an account is delinquent in May of one year but becomes current in June, that account will always appear on the report for May. This report can be used to analyze month-to-month changes and spot trends over time. To see which members are delinquent at a specific point in time, use the Daily Delinquency report instead.

Data is available beginning January 1, 2015.

Totals Provided

The report provides totals for the number of accounts included in the report as well as for the following columns:

  • Monthly Invoice
  • Actual Payment
  • Return Payment
  • Payments Made at the Club
  • Total Past Due

Sample Report

Here is a sample of the report:

Under the Mode column, Problem indicates one of three scenarios: a special reversal, problem, or reversal. Use the Account Detail report, which is located under the Account Detail tab, to view mode details.