
Positive Impact - If an account pays first due in the current month.

Month ABC Amt Collected Diff from Prev Month Activity Activity Date Activity Note Report Explanation Report Classification
Jan 0.00 0.00 New Entry 20-Jan Member joined the club on 1/20. Account was entered on 1/23. First due date with ABC is 2/20. There is not a difference in collection from December to January because the account did not exist in December. Because there is not a difference in the collected amount the account will not reflect on the January Monthly Comparison Report. The New Agreement will be reflected on the New Account Analysis. None
Feb 25.00 25.00     Collected first month's dues. No other activity. ABC collected $25.00 more in February than in January. The increase is because the account is new in the system and February was the first due. The positive $25.00 difference will be categorized as NEW on the Monthly Comparison Report. New