Satisfied Agreement Term - PIF

Negative Impact - If the account paid less than previous month because the previous month was the final term invoice on the account; therefore, the account has been satisfied.

Month ABC Amt Collected Diff from Prev Month Activity Activity Date Activity Note Report Explanation Report Classification
May 25.00 0.00     May invoice collected. This was final invoice on the agreement. The account changes to a PIF status. There is no difference from April to May in amount collected. Although the account has changed status, there is no difference in collected amount and therefore the account will not reflect on the May Monthly Comparison Report. None
June 0.00 -25.00     No invoice was due in June per the final invoice was collected in May. ABC collected $25.00 less in June than in May. There was no invoice to collect for June. This does not mean the account is expired, only that no monies were collected. Therefore the negative difference of $25.00 will be categorized as PIF on the Monthly Comparison Report. PIF