Inventory Subcategory
Reports in the Inventory subcategory of the Inventory category display information about products and services sold at the club. The following columns can be added to non-default reports or used when creating a report in this subcategory.
Some report columns are derived from UDFs (user-defined fields) in DataTrak. Because UDFs are defined at the club level, those columns are omitted from this documentation.
Column Name | Column Description |
Active | Displays "Yes" if the catalog item is set as active, or "No" if the item is inactive. |
Allow Discount | Displays "Yes" if discounts are enabled for this item or "No" if discounts are disabled. "Allow Discount" is displayed on the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Allow Discount Fixed | Displays "Yes" if the Allow Discount setting is fixed (unalterable) from the Edit Catalog Item page, or "No" if it is not. |
Alternate Vendor | The name of the alternate vendor for the item, as listed on the Edit Club Items page. |
Alternate Vendor Contact | The contact person for the alternate vendor for the listed item, as displayed on the Manage Vendors page. |
Alternate Vendor Discount | The discount amount for the item received from the alternate vendor, as displayed on the Manage Vendors page. |
Available Online | Displays "Yes" if the listed item is available online, or "No" if it is not. |
Average Cost (In Stock) | The average of unit costs for this item as they are listed in the Stock section of the Edit Club Items page. |
Button Text | The text that appears on the POS button for the purchased item. |
Catalog Item Group | The group to which the purchased item belongs. |
Catalog Name | The catalog item name, as entered on the General tab of the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Category Name | The category to which the item associated with this transaction belongs, as configured on the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Club Name | The name of the club associated with the transaction. |
Club Nbr | The number of the club associated with the transaction. |
Commission # % | Columns such as "Commission 1 %" list the commission percentage amount by tier. For example, a 5% commission listed in the "Commission 1 %" column indicates that the commission employee earned a 5% commission for tier 1 within the listed commission group. |
Commission # Amount | Columns such as "Commission 1 Amount" list the commission dollar amount by tier. For example, a $5.00 commission listed in the "Commission 1 Amount" column indicates that the commission employee earned a $5.00 commission for tier 1 within the listed commission group. |
Commission Group | The commission group to which the catalog item belongs, as listed on the Secondary tab of the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Count #1 and Count #2 | These columns will always be blank. These columns are meant to be written in on a printed report when doing stock counts. |
Default Quantity | The default quantity of the catalog item, as listed on the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Discount End Date | The date at which the discount for the listed item ended. |
Discount Start Date | The date at which the discount for the listed item began. |
Extended Cost | The extended cost from the vendor for the listed item, which includes alterations by discount, etc. |
Extended Price | The extended price for the listed item, which includes alterations by discount, etc. |
Inventory Type | Designates the item as a product or a service. |
Item Discount | The name of the discount applied to the individual item. |
Item Discount Amount | The amount that was discounted from this item for the transaction in POS. |
Item Discount Name | The name of the discount that was applied to this individual item. |
Item Discount Percent | The percent that was discounted from this item for the transaction in POS. |
Item Name | The name of the purchased item. |
Item UPC | The item Universal Product Code as it appears on the General tab of the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Last Used Vendor | The name of the most recently used vendor of the listed item. |
Last Used Vendor Contact | The contact person for the most recently used vendor of the listed item. |
Last Used Vendor Discount | The discount amount offered by the most recently used vendor of the listed item. |
Maximum Quantity | The maximum quantity of the listed item, as displayed on the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Member Required | Displays "Yes" if a member is required to purchase the item at POS, or "No" if a member is not required to complete the purchase. |
Minimum Quantity | The minimum quantity of the listed item, as displayed on the Edit Catalog Item page. |
On Hold | Displays "Yes" if the item is on hold, as indicated in the Item on Hold field on the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Package | Displays "Yes" if the item is sold as package or "No" if it is not. |
Preferred Vendor | The name of the preferred vendor of the listed item, as displayed on the Secondary tab of the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Preferred Vendor Contact | The contact person for the preferred vendor of the listed item. |
Preferred Vendor Discount | The discount offered by the preferred vendor of the listed item. |
Profit Center | The profit center to which the purchased item belongs. |
Prompt for Price | Displays "Yes" if the item is set to open the Edit Sale Item dialog when selected in POS. The Prompt for Price setting can be entered on the Edit Catalog Item page. |
Quantity on Hand | The available quantity of the listed item. |
Reorder Level | The quantity at which the listed item is set to reorder. |
Reorder Level Index | The reorder level minus the quantity of the listed item in stock. |
Sale Price | The price at which the listed item is sold. |
Tax Rate | The tax rate for the listed item, as displayed on the Taxes section of the Edit Club Items page. |
Unit Cost | The cost at which the catalog item was purchased from the vendor. |
Unit Price | The unit price of the item at the time it was sold. |
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