Online Cancellation Setup

Online Cancel Pay Now allows members to cancel via MYiCLUBonline and to pay immediately for the cancellation fee using their card on file rather than schedule a later bill date.

The following conditions must be met in order to enable Online Cancel Pay Now:

  • The member is eligible (ABC-Managed and synced).
  • The member has a card on file (though a different payment method may be used for cancellation).
  • The member agreement is not a Cash Open agreement, and is not in Cancel, Pending Cancel, or Frozen status.
  • A web terminal is assigned.
  • The necessary Online Cancel codes have been selected.
  • If cancellation fees are set through the Online Cancellation Policy on ABC Hub, a Cancel Fee catalog item must be assigned. If the fees are assessed through ABC Hub but no Cancel Fee item is assigned, Online Cancel Pay Now will not be available.
    If no cancel fee amount is assigned through ABC Hub, Online Cancel Pay Now will be available regardless of whether a Cancel Fee catalog item has been configured.

Please contact your Account Executive to set up Online Cancellation.