Recurring Cash Flow- Beta Report
Column Name | Column Description |
Agreement # | The member's agreement number. |
Club Name | The name of the associated club. |
Club Nbr | The club number. |
Description | The reason for the listed cash flow: Changed Due Date, Future Invoice, Club Account Payment, Club Account Not Paid,, Club Account Return, Unapplied Club Account Payment, Open Monthly Not Yet Charged to Account, Open Package Last Event to Complete Before Next Purchase. |
Employee Barcode | The barcode of the service employee associated with the listed service. |
Employee Name | The name of the employee associated with the listed service. |
Event Date/Time | The date and time of the event associated with the listed service. |
Event Type | The type of event associated with the listed service |
Invoice Due Date | The date on which the invoice is currently due. If the invoice date has been changed, this column will show the most recently entered date. |
Invoice Due Date (Original) | The date on which the invoice was originally due. Even if the invoice date has been changed, this column will show the first entered date. |
Invoice Due Month | The month of the invoice due date (ex. "April"). |
Invoice Due Month # | The number of the month the invoice is due (ex. "4" for April). This column can be used to filter data by month independently of year. |
Invoice Due Year | The year the invoice is due. |
Member Barcode | The barcode of the member associated with the recurring service. |
Member Name | The name of the member associated with the recurring service. |
Month | The month in which the transaction took place. |
Month # | The number of the month in which the transaction took place (ex. "4" for April). This column can be used to filter data by month independently of year. |
Paid Cash Flow | The amount collected for the listed service at the listed transaction date. |
Profit Center | The profit center to which the purchased recurring service belongs. |
Projected (Items) | The POS total for the purchased recurring service. |
Projected Cash Flow | The invoice amount from the listed transaction. |
Recurring Service Plan | The name of the associated recurring service plan. |
Recurring Type | The type of recurring service: Custom Interval, Deferred Billing, Fixed Interval, Open Monthly, Open Package, or Paid in Full. |
Return Cash Flow | The returned amount from the transaction. |
Service | The name of the recurring service. |
Sort Order | This column will not display in the report, but can be used to sort the other columns. |
Station Group | The workstation group to which the workstation that performed the transaction belongs. |
Station Name | The name of the workstation at which the transaction took place. |
Total Cash Flow | The Paid Cash Flow amount or the Projected Cash Flow from the listed transaction, or the returned amount from the listed transaction (Returned Cash Flow). |
Training Level | The training level (1-5) for the purchased service. |
Training Level Name | The name of the training level for the purchased service. |
Transaction Date/Time | The date and time of the POS transaction. |
Transaction Month | The month in which the recurring service was purchased. |
Transaction Month # | The number of the month in which the service was purchased (ex. "4" for April). This column can be used to filter data by month independently of year. |
Transaction Type | The type of transaction: Sale, Return, Chargeback, or Club Account Refund. |
Transaction Year | The year in which the recurring service was purchased. |
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