Recurring Services Subcategory

This subcategory lists details about recurring services purchased by members.

Some report columns are derived from UDFs (user-defined fields) in DataTrak. Because UDFs are defined at the club level, those columns are omitted from this documentation.

Column Name Column Description
Agreement # The member's agreement number.
Agreement Payment Plan The name of the member's agreement payment plan.
Auto Disabled This field displays "Yes" if the recurring service for this member has been auto-disabled. This field also appears at the bottom of the Edit Recurring Service page.
Barcode The member's barcode.
Billed Invoices The number of invoices that have been billed to this member for the listed recurring service. This value appears in the Invoices Billed field at the bottom of the Edit Recurring Service page.
Billed by ABC This field displays "Yes" if ABC is billing the member for the recurring service or "No" if it is not.
Billing Day The day of the month on which the member is billed for this service. For example, a Billing Day of 5 indicates that the member will be billed on the fifth of the month. This value is listed as Day of Month on the Edit Recurring Service page.
Billing Frequency The frequency that the member is billed for this service: One Time, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Weekly, etc.
Billing Unit Price The price of one occurrence of the recurring service for this member, as listed in the Unit Price column on the Manage Recurring Services page.
Catalog item Group The group to which the purchased service belongs.
Club Name The name of the club associated with the transaction.
Club Nbr The number of the club associated with the transaction.
Combined Invoices Total The total amount of invoices to be charged to the member for the service. This is listed as the Recurring Total on the Recurring view of the Services tab on the member page.
Commission Employees Employees receiving commission from the recurring service, as listed in the Setup section of the Edit Recurring Service page.
Created Date The date the recurring service was created for the member, as listed in the Created Date/Time column for this first invoice on the Recurring Services Invoices page.
Deactivation Date The date the recurring service was deactivated.
Deactivation Reason The reason the recurring service was deactivated.
Document Displays "Yes" if there is a document associated with the service. This document can be viewed by using the Recurring view on the Services tab of the member page.
Email The member's email address, as listed in the Demographics section of the Personal tab on the member page.
Event Type The type of event associated with the listed service.
Expire Months The number of months until the service expires, as listed in the Setup section of the Edit Recurring Service page.
Final Billing Date The date that the member was billed for the final invoice for the service.
First Billing Date The date of the first invoice for this service, as listed in the First Billed Date column on the Manage Recurring Services page.
Freeze Applied Displays "Yes" if a freeze has been applied to this service or "No" if it has not.
Grand Total The grand total for the service, as listed in the Billing section on the Edit Recurring Service (2/2) page.
Invoice Total The total amount charged on each invoice for the service, as listed in the Invoice Total column on the Manage Recurring Services page.
Member Name The member's name. There are up to four Member Name columns: Last name, first name; first name, last name; first name only; last name only.
Next Billing Date The due date of the next invoice for this service, as listed in the Next Billing Date column on the Manage Recurring Services page.
Open Displays a "Y" if the service is open-ended or "N" if it is not. Open-ended services are indicated by "Open Ended" in the Total Periods column of the Recurring Service Invoices page.
Past Due Displays "Yes" if one or more invoices for this service are past due or "No" if no invoices are past due. Services that are past due are also indicated by a flag in the Past Due column on the Manage Recurring Services page.
Plan The name of the payment plan associated with the listed recurring service.
Previous Billed Date The most recent date that an invoice was billed for this service.
Purchase Today Unit Price The unit price of the service at the time it was purchased. This value is listed as the Session Price in the Sale section on the Service Usage Detail page.
Recurring Type The type of recurring service: Custom Interval, Deferred Billing, Fixed Interval, Open Monthly, Open Package, or Paid in Full.
Remaining Balance The total unpaid amount for the listed service. This value is the sum of the Billed Invoices value and the Unbilled Invoices value.
Renewal Unit Price The unit price of the service at the time the report was run.
Reorder Quantity The quantity at which the service is set to reorder, as listed in the Reorder Quantity column on the Manage Recurring Services page.
Service The name of the recurring service.
Service Employee The name of the employee associated with the service as entered in the Setup section of the Edit Recurring Service page.
Service Quantity The number of associated events that were purchased with this service. This is listed as Package Quantity on the Recurring view of the Invoices tab on the member page.
RS Status The status of the recurring service: Active or Inactive.
Total Billed The total amount for all invoices for this service that have been billed to the number. This value also appears as the Recurring Total for the most recent invoice on the Recurring Services Invoices page.
Total Collected The total amount that has been collected for this service.
Total Periods The total number of invoices scheduled for this service, as displayed in the Total Periods column on the Recurring Services Invoices page.
Total Unbilled The total amount from invoices that have not yet been billed to the member.
Training Level The training level (1-5) for the purchased service.
Training Level Name The name of the training level for the purchased service.
Unbilled Invoices The number of invoices for this service that have not yet been billed to the member. The number of billed and unbilled invoices is displayed on the Recurring view of the Invoices tab on the member page.