New Joins Analysis Dashboard

View Document DetailsTopic Revised: 2024 04 30 T12:44:10 UTC; April 30, 2024 at 12:44:10Topic Created: 2024 04 26 T12:40:51 UTC;  April 26, 2024 at 12:40:51Help System Last Build: 2024 05 03 T11:59:15 UTC


The New Joins Analysis dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the influx of new members who have joined your club within a specific and defined date range. This analytical tool enables you to quantify the growth of your club's membership base by capturing individuals who are entirely new to the club.

The dashboard includes not only those who have newly enrolled, but also accounts for members who have been swiftly added using Fast Add or converted from other membership statuses.

The New Joins dashboard excludes members who rejoined, upgraded, or downgraded their agreement.

These are the iSeries and Commerce billing system icons.

Commerce and iSeries Dashboard

This dashboard supports both billing systems, Commerce Transact and iSeries.

When to Use

Use this New Joins dashboard for tracking, understanding, and leveraging the growth of your club's membership base. It provides insights into the effectiveness of marketing efforts, informs segmentation strategies, and aids in forecasting future membership trends.

Ultimately, this report supports informed decision-making to drive the success and expansion of your club.

Below are a few examples of using this dashboard.

  • Membership Growth Assessment

  • Marketing Effectiveness

  • Membership Segmentation

  • Performance Measurement

  • Forecasting and Planning

  • Member Experience Enhancement

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) are measurable values that help gauge the success of your business. They provide insights into performance, progress, and the achievement of goals.

This dashboard includes the following key metrics.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • New Joins: Shows the number of members who joined the club. This number is compared to the new joins from the prior month and prior year. Select the Detail Data tab to show a detailed report.

  • Draft Amt Added: Shows the total draft dollar amount from new joins. This is obtained from their primary invoice amount in the billing system.

  • Avg Draft Amt: Shows the average membership draft amount from the number of new joins. This number is compared to the amounts from the prior month and prior year.

    Avg Draft Amt Calculation

  • Down Payment Amt Added: Shows the total amount of down payments from new joins. This down payment amount is obtained from the membership agreement payment plan.

  • Prospect to New Join %: Shows the percentage of new joins out of the total number of prospects. The formula is the sum of leads converted and new joins divided by the sum of the total number of leads and new joins:

    Prospect to New Join Percentage Calculation


Charts are graphical representations of data. They visually depict trends, patterns, and relationships within datasets. They help users visualize data to understand trends and make informed decisions.
  • New Joins by Membership: Shows the number of new memberships by type. This chart has a drill-through option. To drill through to a detailed report, right-click the chart item, select Drill through, and select a desired detail option.

  • New Joins by Queue: Shows the number of new membership agreements by queue. Queues not included: Removed and Deleted.

  • Avg Draft Trend: Shows the past 12-month trend of the average draft amount for new memberships. This chart is not affected by the date filter.

  • New Member Sales: Shows the number of items and dollar amounts purchased at the club by new members within the specified date range. Use Remove Free Items to remove all items that do not have an associated price. Right-click and select Drill through to see detailed data.

Use the Advanced Filters option to customize the dashboard.

Member Demographics

Select the Member Demographics tab to view New Joins by Membership Type, New Joins by Gender, New Joins by Day, New Joins by Payment Method, and New Joins by Campaign.

Essential Definitions

This represents the recurring membership billing amount charged to the primary agreement payer. This does not include yearly schedules such as annual fees. Synonyms: Dues
A person who was previously not in the organization's system and is often referred to as a new member. The person counts as a new member unit and a new dollar amount added to the recurring membership invoices. An agreement associated with the join will have one of the following types:
  • New - The normal entry path for agreements in Member Engagement using EAE or Online Signup.

  • Convert - The process used when converting a prospect to a member in Member Engagement.

  • Fast Add - The process of quickly adding a member in Member Engagement without using EAE or Online Signup.

  • (Blank) - Blank exists for new ABC clients who have imported their data from another company to ABC Fitness Solutions.

The sign date is the join date. If the sign date is blank, the begin date is the join date.

Agreements in deleted or removed queues are not included with joins.

Synonyms: New Member, New Unit, New Member Unit

Prior Month
Shows data from the previous month. For example, if the selected date range is 4/1/2022 - 4/30/2022, the prior month is 3/1/2022 - 3/31/2022.
Prior Year
Shows data from the previous year. For example, if the selected date range is 4/1/2022 - 5/1/2022, the prior year is 4/1/2021 - 5/1/2021.



Tip! You can right-click data on some charts like the New Joins by Membership, select Drill through, and view additional detailed reports.
