Sign In
The MYiCLUBonline Sign In page allows you to:
- Register for a member account.
- Sign in to your member account.
- Retrieve your username.
- Reset your password.
- View a class schedule.
You must have a membership to use this site. To sign in, you must have registered for an account.
Register for a Member Account
To register for a member account, you need the following information:
- A health club membership. To join online, see Online Signup instructions.
- The agreement number associated with your membership. If you joined online, you should have received a copy of your membership agreement by email.
- An email address.
When registering, please contact your club if you receive notification that your email address is on the email blacklist.
Using the above information, follow these steps to register with this site.
Sign In to your Member Account
You can sign in to your member account from any browser or mobile device.
To sign in to your member account:
- Type your Username.
- Type your Password.
- Select Sign In.
Retrieve your Username
If you do not remember your username, you can easily retrieve it.
To retrieve your username:
- Select the username link under the Sign In button.
- Type your email address.
- Select the check box next to I'm not a robot. If prompted, select the specified images.
- SelectSubmit.
- Check your email account for a message informing you of your username.
- Select the Sign In link at the top of the page to return to the Sign In page and enter your username.
Reset your Password
If you do not remember your password, you can easily reset it. You need to know your username in order to retrieve your password. If you do not remember your username, retrieve it first.
To reset your password:
- Select the password link under the Sign In button.
- Type your username.
- Select the check box next to I'm not a robot. If prompted, select the specified images.
- Select Submit.
- Check your email for details about your password reset request.
- Select the Reset Password link in the email.
- Type a new password. Password guidelines are listed below.
- Your password must be at least eight (8) characters long.
- Your old and new passwords may not be the same.
- Your password cannot be the same as your email address or username.
- The system will indicate if your password is too short, weak, good, or strong by displaying one of the following boxes:
, or
- Your password must be at least Good or Strong. If the site indicates that the password is Too short or Weak, try using a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Your password cannot contain the following symbols: Ampersand (&), Hash sign (#), or Percentage sign (%). These special characters are restricted.
- Type your new password a second time. Your password must match both times you type it.
View a Class Schedule
If your club offers online scheduling, you can see the classes the location offers before you sign in.
To enroll in a class you must have a membership, be registered to use the site, and sign in.
On the Classes page, you can:
View the Class Schedule
You can view the class schedule by day, week, or month.
To view the class schedule:
- Select Day, Week, or Month to change the time period displayed.
- Use the arrows to move backward or forward from the current schedule.
- Select the date link to open a calendar and select a specific day, week, or month.
- Select the event name to view a description of the event.
Search the Schedule
You can easily search for items such as the instructor's name, class name, room name, and start or end time. The search results only show information for the currently displayed time frame.
To search the schedule:
- Select the desired time period.
- In the Search field, type the information you wish to find. Some examples are listed below.
- Instructor name (for example, "John")
- Class name (for example, "Zumba")
- Room name, (for example, "Studio")
- A start or end time (for example, "6:30")
The displayed information is updated as you type the search item.
Print the Schedule
You can print a class schedule on your printer or as a PDF.
To print the schedule:
- Display the schedule for the desired time frame.
- Select the Printer icon.
- Print the schedule on your printer or save as a PDF.
View Trainer Information
The class description displays the name of the instructor, trainer, or staff person associated with the activity.
To view trainer information:
- Select the trainer's name to open the Bio dialog box and view a brief biography about the instructor.
- Select Close when finished.