Member Usage

The Member Usage tab does not have any pre-defined search favorites. The columns for this tab are as follows:

Column Formula / Description
Member The member's name.
Available The number of events of this type the member has available to schedule.
Cancel (charge) The number of cancelled events of this type that were charged to this member.
Cancel (no charge) The number of cancelled events of this type that were not charged to the member.
Completed The number of events of this type that the member completed.
Deducted (check in) The number of events of this type that were deducted from the member's available quantity.
Event The name of the event.
Last Booked Date The date the member was last scheduled for the listed event.
Last Purchase Quantity The number of events most recently purchased by the member.
Level The level of the listed event.
Next Employee The name of the employee scheduled to lead the next event.
Next Event The next scheduled date and time of this event.
Percent Available ( Available / Purchased )
Scheduled (funded) The number of funded events of this type that the member has scheduled.
Scheduled (total) The number of events of this type that the member has scheduled.
[ Scheduled (funded) + Scheduled (unfunded) ]
Scheduled (unfunded) The number of unfunded events of this type that the member has scheduled.
Unavailable (total)

The number of events that were purchased but are unavailable (because they have been completed, Cancel-charged, etc.).

Unscheduled (purchased) The number of events that were purchased but not scheduled.



This tab allows you to search by the following criteria:

  • Club
  • Event Type
  • Event
  • Level
  • Event Date


You may also filter data by any of the above columns using a Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal to # filter in the Filter section of the Search page.