
The Productivity search favorite returns a subset of available columns, as described in the table below.

This does not include cancel-charge events; it only includes completed events.

Column Description / Formula

Events Completed


Paid Events


Comp Events


% Paid

(Paid Events/Events Completed)

% Comp

(Comp Events/Events Completed)

Total Hours

(Standard Hours + Overtime Hours)

Member Hours

Time spent with members in sessions (that is the sum of all hours put into completed events—does not include any cancelled or pending events).

Paid Member Hours


Comp Member Hours

Comp (complimentary) means that the event was free and was not mapped to a service. If an event is mapped to a service but shows $0.00, it is not considered to be a Comp event.

Admin Hours

(Total Hours worked - Member Hours)

% Member Time

(Member Hours/Total Hours worked)

% Paid Member Time

(Paid Hours/Total Hours worked)

% Comp Member Time

(Comp Hours/Total Hours worked)

% Admin Time

(Down Hours/Total Hours worked)

Distinct Members


Retention Rate

This field uses the retention date range filter to identify the historical period (always last month) used in comparing numbers from period to period.

Cancel (no charge)


Cancel (charge)




Total Events

(=Events Completed + Events Cancelled + Events Pending)

Booked Future Revenue

(deferred revenue)

Pending paid appointments

(future value snapshot, independent of date range)