Online Join Release Notes

Release Overview

Release Date: May 30, 2023


Classification: Internal Use Only

Change Summary: Email template enhancement.

Agreement Contract Email Template

We enhanced the Agreement Contract email template to include the Agreement Acknowledgement section if the electronic agreement consent feature is enabled.

The Agreement Acknowledgement section will also be included in the email message to the member if the electronic agreement consent feature is enabled and the club uses the Total Obligation or Total Obligation with Tax Online Signup Email Type.

If the electronic agreement consent feature is disabled, the Agreement Acknowledgement section will no longer be included in these email messages.

When included in an email message, the Agreement Acknowledgement information section will be added between the Notes section and Terms and Conditions section. It will be followed by this statement: I have read and accept the Agreement Acknowledgement above.


For more information, see the following sections.


Email Example

When included in an email message, the Agreement Acknowledgement information section will be:

  1. Added between the Notes section and Terms and Conditions section.
  2. Followed by this statement: I have read and accept the Agreement Acknowledgement above.

An example of the email message with the Agreement Acknowledgement information section is shown below.


Email Types: Agreement Contract

The Agreement Contract email template can be found on the Email Types page (Settings > Settings > Email Types). An example is shown below.


Online Signup Email Type Option

The Online Signup Email Type option can be selected on the Edit Club page (Settings > Settings > Club > [Club Number] > Online > General). An example is shown below.