Edit Club - Fast Add

Settings > Settings > Club > Club Number > Edit Club > Fast Add

The Fast Add tab of the Edit Club page contains the following sub-sections or sub-tabs:


Option Description
Show in menu Whether to show Fast Add as a menu option.
Show Save and Exit Whether to display and allow the Save and Exit function.
Default To Select to default to Member or to Prospect.


Option Description
Default Membership Type Select the default membership type for Fast Add.
ABC Managed Whether members added via Fast Add will be ABC Managed.
Current Term (months) The number of months in the current term.
Allow Non-Numeric Agreement # Whether to allow non-numeric characters in the member's agreement number.
Agreement Term Select an agreement term of Cash, Cash Open, Installment, or Open.
Required Fields - Primary Select the primary fields that will be required in Fast Add for members.
Required Fields - Secondary Select the secondary fields that will be required in Fast Add for members.




Option Description
Contract Days The number of days for the new prospect agreement.
Number of Visits The number of visits allowed while the prospective member retains prospect status.
Required Fields Select the fields that will be required in Fast Add for prospects.