Working with Goals

The Dashboard offers the opportunity to set goals for the following items:

  • ABC Billing (Total Collected)
  • Check Ins
  • New Agreements
  • New Prospects
  • POS Sales

You define Dashboard goals on a monthly basis. On reports, the Dashboard divides the monthly goal by the number of days in the displayed month to determine the goal for each day of the month.

For timeframes less than a month, Dashboard multiples the daily goal by the number of days in the timeframe.

Daily goal lines will not appear on graphs if the goal value is a number smaller than the number of days in the month.

Dashboard also includes a special item called Actual vs Goal, providing another way to see how a club or groups of clubs’ performance deviates from your goals. For more information about the Actual vs Goal item, see Actual vs Goal.

Watch the Working with Goals in Dashboard video