Email Types

Email types use templates to give your messages a consistent look and feel because the message format is adjusted to the viewing device. This means that whether the individual views the message using a computer, iPad, or iPhone, the message is displayed correctly and consistently.

The email type templates and their descriptions are listed in the table below. You can click a link in the Message Type column to view an example of that message.

Email types with Yes in the Always Sent? column are sent automatically as long as a valid email address is present for the recipient. Email types with No in the Always Sent? column must be activated for the club before these types of notifications can be sent. Also, event notifications will only be sent for events where the Send Event Notification flag is set to Yes. Members can opt out of event notifications by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email message, or you can unsubscribe the member by changing their message preferences.

Message Type Purpose/Description Recipient Always Sent?
Add Prospect Confirms the individual’s registration as a prospect through MYiCLUBonline. Sent immediately after the prospect form is submitted. Member Yes
Agreement Contract When a membership is entered through Electronic Agreement Entry, the agreement is sent to the member as an attachment. Member Yes
Employee General Blank message template. The content is supplied by user. Employee Yes
Enroll in Class * Notifies the member that he or she has been enrolled in a class. Sent immediately upon enrollment. Member No
Event Cancelled * Confirms that an event has been cancelled at the member’s request. Sent immediately after the change is made. Member No
Event Completed * Confirms that the member has completed an event. Sent immediately after the change is made. Member No
Event Scheduled * Notifies the member that he or she has been scheduled in an event. Sent immediately when an event is added to the member’s calendar. Member No
Forgot Password Sent when the member clicks the forgot password link on the MYiCLUBonline sign-in page. Allows members to reset their MYiCLUBonline password. Member Yes
Forgot User Sent when the member clicks the forgot username link on the MYiCLUBonline sign-in page. Sends the member an email message with his username. Member Yes
Mail Service Reminder * Reminds the member of an upcoming event. Sent 24 hours prior to the event. Member No
Make Payment Receipt Sends the member a receipt when he or she has made a payment through MYiCLUBonline. Member Yes
Member Cancel Agreement Sends the member notification of their agreement cancellation after they submit a cancellation form through MYiCLUBonline. Member Yes
Member Cancel Auto Renew Sends the member notification of their auto-renewal cancellation after they submit a cancellation form through MYiCLUBonline. Member Yes
Member Document Blank message template. The body is supplied by user. Member No
Member General * Blank message template. The body is supplied by user. Member No
MICO Register Confirms the member’s registration through MYiCLUBonline. Sent immediately after the agreement form is submitted. Member Yes
Online Signup When a member uses the Online Signup form, a copy of the new agreement is sent to the member as an attachment. Member Yes
POS Sales Receipt When the member makes a purchase through MYiCLUBonline, the member receives an email message with the purchase receipt as an attachment. Sent immediately after the transaction is complete. Member Yes
Recurring Service Contract The member’s recurring services agreement is sent as an attachment. Sent immediately after the agreement is made. Member Yes
Report Sends the requested report as an attachment to the employee. Sent immediately after the report is run. Employee Yes
Retrieve Agreement Sends the member's agreement number when the member clicks Retrieve Agreement Number while registering for a user account on MYiCLUBonline. Member Yes
Scheduled Report Sends the scheduled report as an attachment to the employee. Sent immediately after the report is run. Employee Yes
Trainer Schedule Trainer’s daily schedule; sent once per day, per employee, at 2:00 AM Central Time. Employee Yes
Update Account Confirms that the member has updated his or her personal information through MYiCLUBonline. Member Yes
Update Agreement Confirms that the member's agreement has been upgraded. Member No
Waitlist Notification * Notifies members on a waitlist that a spot has become available in a class. Member No

*These notifications must be activated before they are sent to members.