Daily Delinquency

Report Overview

The Daily Delinquency report shows a list of accounts over one day past due, sorted from newest to oldest delinquent accounts. The data is dynamic, and the report does not include members who become current. This report shows delinquent membership dues; member accounts with paid dues but outstanding late fees will not be included.

For each account listed, the report shows some contact information, the account type, cost center, next payment due date, the dues amount, the late amount, the mode, and information about the billing method and billing problem.

Data is available beginning January 1, 2015.


When to Use the Daily Delinquency Report

Use the Daily Delinquency report in the following situations:

  • To request that members update their billing information
  • To see how many accounts are delinquent at a specific point in time
  • To spot trends in delinquent accounts such as:
    • Delinquency reasons
    • Payment methods
    • Account types
    • Account ages

To see totals for delinquent accounts using monthly and mid-month cycles, use the Delinquent Accounts Activity report instead.


Sample Report

Here is a sample of the Daily Delinquency report:

Member address, e-mail address, and phone numbers are provided in this report. This information was cropped out of the sample image to showcase key delinquency data.

The Description column provides the reason the transaction was declined. Click here for a full list of decline reasons.