Fixed Interval

Use the Fixed Interval recurring service to set a fixed quantity of the service for which the member will be billed at regular intervals.

Fixed Interval Example

Chris wants to buy five (5) tanning visits two times each month, and to be billed twice monthly on the 10th and 25th of each month.

You can set up the Fixed Interval recurring service and then DataTrak will create a Club Account invoice to be billed on the 10th and 25th of each month for the amount of five (5) additional tanning visits per billing interval.

When you create a fixed interval recurring service you can modify the first billed date until the first invoice has dropped. Once the first invoice has dropped, DataTrak uses the first billed date to determine the default Billing Day of Month or Billing Day of Week, depending on the billing frequency. You can then modify the Billing Day of Month or Billing Day of Week if necessary.

An example of the how the billing day is set is provided in the following table.

Billing Frequency First Billed Date Billing Day of Month Billing Day of Week Additional Billing Day of Month Next Billing Date







Twice Monthly





This day is selected when the recurring service is created.








Every Other Week






Every 3 Weeks












N/A – Not Applicable

Fixed Interval recurring services can also be set to auto renew. After the last invoice is dropped, the term will change to Auto Renew to Open.

If necessary, you may freeze Fixed Interval recurring billing for a variety of reasons. (For more information, see Freeze a Recurring Service.)

Use the instructions in the Create Recurring Services section to complete the first page (General - Step 1) of the recurring services wizard.

Use the following instructions to complete the second page (Purchase - Step 2) of the recurring services wizard.

To complete the Fixed Interval purchase section

  1. In the Billing section, click the Unit Price link to edit this amount if desired.
  2. Select the Service Quantity: Unlimited or 1 to 200.
  3. The Extended Price is the unit price multiplied by the service quantity. Click the link to edit this amount if desired.
  4. Select the Discount.
  5. The Invoice Total is a read-only field that is calculated by multiplying the unit price and service quantity.

If the service quantity is Unlimited, the total is the unit price.

  1. Select the billing Frequency: Monthly, Twice Monthly, Weekly, Every Other Week, Every 3 Weeks, or Quarterly.
  2. Select the First Billing Date.

The first billing date will default as follows based on the frequency.

  • Monthly frequency will default to one month from today.
  • Twice Monthly frequency will default to one month from today.
  • Weekly frequency will default to one week from today.
  • Every other week frequency will default to two weeks from today.
  • Every three weeks frequency will default to three weeks from today.
  • Quarterly frequency will default to three months from today.
  1. Select the number of Invoices to bill:

You can select the number of invoices from 1 to enough invoices to reach three years based on the frequency or you can select Open Ended.

  1. If the billing frequency is set to Twice Monthly, select the Additional Day of Month from 1 to 31.
  2. Set Auto Renew to Yes if you wish to have the recurring service plan Auto Renew (the default is No).

If Auto Renew is set to Yes, then after the last invoice is dropped the term will change to Auto Renew to Open.

  1. In the Purchase Today section, select the Service Quantity.
  2. Select the Discount.
  3. Have the member review and sign the agreement if applicable.
  4. Click Finish.

What happens when you click Finish will depend on the recurring services Auto Buy setting on the Edit Club page:

  • If Auto Buy is set to Yes, the Point Of Sale page will appear with that member and service already selected.
  • If Auto Buy is set to No, the Manage Recurring Services page will appear.

For more information about the Auto Buy option, see Step 6 of Recurring Services Club Options.