Pre-Defined Search Favorites

To make it easier for you to find and view employee event statistics, several pre-defined search favorites have been created. The list of available search favorites for each employee event statistics tab on the Event Statistics page is provided in the table below.

Employee Productivity Tab Employee Sales Tab Employee Productivity Goals Tab Employee Profit Center Goals Tab

Cost of Events 




Cost of Sales 


Sales Profitability 

Event Revenue 


Opportunity Handoff Rate 

Opportunity Sold Rate 

Percent Member Time 

This tab does not have default favorites. You can simply perform a Search by Profit Center.

Each tab also has a Standard search favorite that displays all available columns.

To use these pre-defined search favorites

  1. Click Menu.
  2. In the Schedule submenu, click Event Statistics.
  3. On the Event Statistics page, click the desired tab and then click Favorites.
  4. In the Select Favorite dialog box, click the desired favorite.

The following is an example of the search favorites for the Employee Sales tab.
