Total Collected Monthly Comparison


Report Overview

The Total Collected Monthly Comparison report provides a comparison of the amount collected across months and/or clubs.

Do not use the Total Collected Monthly Comparison for reconciliation because it only includes accounts with different amounts collected from previous months to the month selected. Accounts that paid the same amount across months or clubs (depending on how you ran the report) are not included.

Data is available beginning January 1, 2015.

When To Use This Report

The Total Collected Monthly Comparison parameters page allows you to select multiple months and/or multiple clubs, as displayed in the image below.

Use this report to compare month-over-month performance, starting with the Monthly Comparison Overview at the top of the report.

You can also compare the performance of several clubs.

If you would like to include multiple months and multiple clubs, you can then sort by month or club. If you choose to compare by months, an aggregate report including all club data categorized by month will load first. From the summary, you can select a total to view a detail report.

A sample of the summary report sorted by months is displayed below.

If you choose to compare by club, an aggregate summary including all data for selected months categorized by club will load. From the summary, you can select a total to view a detail report.

Drill-Down Reports

The drill-down links generate detail reports specific to the parameters you set. For example, you can select a total for a specific club or month or choose the subtotal for all clubs or months to view a related detail report. The detail reports are sorted based on the sort option you select on the parameters page (by month or by club). To illustrate the differences, look at the two examples provided below.

Example 1

If you generate the report for a three-month period for two clubs then select sort by club, the following summary will load.

From the summary, you can access a detail report specific to a single club and/or category. Alternatively, you can view a detail report that includes multiple clubs and multiple months. If you select the Total New amount, the following detail report will load.

As you can see, the data is organized by club and then by month. Subtotals are provided for each month, for the club over all months selected, and for all clubs and all months included in the report.

Example 2

If you generate the report for a three-month period for two clubs then select sort by month, the following summary will load.

Select a total to view more information about drill-down reports. For example, select the New total, indicated in the image above. The Monthly Comparison Detail for New will load. A sample report is displayed below.

As you can see, the data is organized by month and then by club. Subtotals are provided for each club for a single month then for all clubs for that month. Ultimately, you can view the Grand Total, which covers all months and clubs included in the report.

Summary Key

Use the following chart to better understand the categories included in the report.


Satisfied Agreement Term - PIF
Cancel Fee
Paid Ahead
Enhancement Fee / Annual Fee