Save Time With Flare Macros!

Revised: September 02, 2023

05:07:03 PM

You can create macros like the examples shown here. They sure can save some steps! We need to combine our macros (and the new ones we create) to complete some steps quicker.

macro example

If you would like, you can begin with my macros. I've saved the file in our network folder.

Reference: In an older version of Flare help (Notes section).

NOTE: Macros are saved to the AppData\Roaming\MadCap Software\Flare\Macros folder on your computer, so you can access them from any project you open on your computer.

If you want to share macros with other members of your team, you can send them the Macros file (in the Macros folder). If you have also added shortcuts that you want to share, you can send the Commands_3.mccmds file (in the AppData\Roaming\MadCap Software\Flare folder). They can add these files to their AppData folder to use your macros or shortcuts.

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List of URLs

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